Thread: Strange bugs
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Old 23-05-2005, 09:40 PM
Phil L
Posts: n/a
Default Strange bugs

I have discovered two of my plants[1] have some weird bugs on the stems,
these resemble woodlice but do not have legs, almost like limpets, they
don't seem to move at all, they are approx 6 - 9mm in length and about half
as wide, when squashed they are mostly water, they have no eyes, tentacles,
feelers or any other protrusions, I've posted 3 small jpegs in the newsgroup

[1] I don't know what the plants are neither, only that they are woody
stemmed, have multicoloured yellow and green (variegated?) waxy leaves and
thrive under almost any conditions, except with these things on them! -
there's an unsightly black deposit on some of the leves and stems although
you can't really see it from the pictures, I just took a few snaps - if
someone can ID the plants, the pests may be identifiable from there.


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