What are they doing to annoy you? Playing knock out ginger on the back door?
Telling Bernard Manning jokes? Playing their music too loud? For heavens
sake, why do many people on this newsgroup want to exterminate everything
that doesn't fit in with their idea of a perfect garden???
Clare (waiting for another onslaught)
"feebib" wrote in message
..(or 'slater' as they are often called here in Scotland).
Can anyone tell me how to get rid of, or decrease the population of the
pesky things? We are currently experiencing an increase in the woodlouse
population in and around our garden, and indeed and some even have the
nerve to make it into the house. I hate the things and really need them
all to disappear as soon as...
So if anyone has a similar problem or can help me with any advice, I'd
appreciate it.
Thank you