"cormaic" wrote in message
'Twas Mon, 28 Oct 2002 08:44:51 -0000, when "Paul D.Smith"
enriched all our lives with these worthy
Now the question - how? My concrete is about 4inches x 4inches on a
hardcore base (sunken into the ground) so won't take rawlbolts.
Why not? You can get 50mm anchor bolts from most BMs for about
50p each.
considering a piece of dexion hammered into the ground in each internal
corner and then bolting this to the steel base. Do the readers think I
to concrete the dexion in as well or would 2ft long pieces sunk into the
ground be enough?
Why not fix a length of, say 50x100 treated timber to the base
and then fasten the GH to the timber. It would give you an extra 50mm
head clearance.
This is in a way what I did, but I figured if I fixed the GH to more
substantial wood, then it wouldn't need bolting down. Thus two railway
sleepers, untreated, lying side on to the ground and the greenhouse bolted
on top, gives me almost a foot extra headroom, and I can be fairly sure that
no gale is going to be carrying away two railways sleepers.
cormaic URG faqs/webring - www.tmac.clara.co.uk/urgring/
Culcheth Garden - www.tmac.clara.co.uk/garden/
Warrington Paving - www.pavingexpert.com/
Peoples' Republic of South Lancashire
cormaic CAN BE FOUND AT borlochshall.co.uk