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  #7   Report Post  
Old 22-05-2005, 06:31 PM
~ jan
Posts: n/a

Everything for ponds and pond fish is horribly overpriced. That's why I buy
catfish food for my koi and large goldfish. It runs around $10 for a 50 lb
bag. Today I bought a large fish net I now need because of the size of some
of my koi. It was $20 in the fishing dept. of an Outdoors/Sporting goods
type of store - over $30 at a pet shop in Nashville.
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...

Marine aquarium dealers are even worse than that. I really think that the FTC
should investigate these people because I think that they gouge the consumer.

There have been many write ups on koi food (Koi USA) and why it should be
used over cheaper farm-fish stuff, not only better for the koi, but better
for one's filter and water quality. Koi don't process the same foods in the
same way as catfish, their inner anatomy is different.

Nets from a fish store are designed to catch fish that are going to be
eaten. Good quality koi nets are for guiding fish into a container, where a
koi sock net is than used to pick up the koi, if it can't be bagged
straight from the container. You don't want to be gill netting your pets or
taking off scales. ~ jan

See my ponds and filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
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