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I have another question. I started growing some Confederate Jasmine at the base of a 45-foot tall long-needle pine about two years ago. Of course the Jasmine loved the support the pine tree offered and has taken off beyond belief. This year the Jasmine has scaled the halfway point up the pine tree. And it looks and smells awesome! So now I'm assuming... guessing... really hoping the Jasmine has reached its growth limit. Right now all outward signs say the big pine is just as healthy as ever. Okay, now here's my question: Does the Jasmine pose any future threat to the pine tree?
Hi Patrick,
It will grow to 40'. I'm sure any arborist will say that it will pose a threat to the tree, but I don't know for sure.
You might want to ask here where several arborists hang out to see if they know if there is damage done to the tree. I would post that site i gave you so they will know exactly which vine you are referring to. They are abrorists and not usually gardeners.
Do let us know please.