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Old 20-05-2005, 04:20 PM
Jim Lewis
Posts: n/a

Nina wrote:
I agree with Billy about the aphids and fungus gnats; I just want to
point out that while fungus gnats are relatively harmless to adult
plants (although an indicator of too-wet conditions), their larvae can
damage young seedlings. They feed on young roots and in seedlings, can
damage the stem.

I would plant seeds in BIG pots, which are easier to water than *tiny*
pots (which are either too wet or too dry). When the seedlings are big
enough, I'd then transplant each to its own pot.


I'd amend this only to say that the pots, while large,
should be relatively shallow in relation to surface area and
with LOTS of drainage. And then, you should water only when
the soil an inch or so under the surface feels dry.

In deep, large pots, seedlings cannot reach/use all the
water and the soil is likely to get soggy.

Jim Lewis - - Tallahassee, FL - When we
see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to
use it with love and respect - Aldo Leopold - A Sand County

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