Bowser wrote:
Hi folks, nice site you have here, some very interesting reading.
tried a search but nothing really seems to come up for me.
I have a square of land (approx 2m by 2m) in a shaded corner of my
garden, it does get some sun in the late evening however. My wife
very keen to have a fruit tree in the garden and this would seem a
good place for it - would anyone have any suggestions of types of
fruit tree to plant?
(Mods - I wasnt sure where to pit this thread, please move it if
Hi Bowser! Welcome to the group. You've introduced yourself with a
tough problem: Kay's answer covers it, I'm afraid, unless somebody in
here has some points to add. A thornless blackberry with pretty cut
leaves would look nice and taste OK. There are a lot of flowers which
like some shade, and these could go in front. Easy ones include:
foxgloves, pansies, London pride, bergenia, snowdrops, begonias
(begonias probably won't survive the winter, though) primroses,
"bleeding heart", aquilegia, pulmonaria (though not all together!)
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