Thread: tomato suckers
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Old 18-05-2005, 06:45 PM
Harold Walker
Posts: n/a

"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message
The message
from "Harold Walker" contains these words:

To pinch or not to pinch is entirely at the discretion of the grower and
this applies to both bush or cordon type tomatoes.....H

In the UK's relatively short cool damp summers, it's usually better
to pinch out tomato sideshoots and limit the number of fruit trusses,
so they get maximum sun and air circulation. Leaving them wilting below
the plant is an invitation to mould and fungal spores.


That I recognise Janet...used to grow 'em up in Yorkshire...when it comes to
growing the likes of tomatoes and corn etc. we have a super climate but from
an all round climate I would rather have yours and the likes of spring
cabbage which is an impossibility over here....H