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Old 17-05-2005, 10:14 PM
Lynn Boyd
Posts: n/a

From: "Jim Lewis"

If there's anyone still around who took Herb Gustafson's e-mail
correspondence course in styling and maintaining a juniper (found today
under "Bonsai Classes" on this website), and if you still have the trees
you started in that class, we'd LOVE to see pictures of them.

Lynn, weren't you one of the participants? Bill Neff? Dan Arvin?


I stand by hoping to see some, too.
I did not take That course, I lived close enough to do workshops with a
few in
Herb's shop. He was one of the most enthusiastic, fun and yet serious
teachers I have had. I do not know anyone personally who took the class,
but I remember a lot of favorable talk and wish I could see some photos.
That was ten years ago that it was
so active.
Since moving to southern Oregon coast I do not see Herb, but heard
from a mutual friend that he is writing and has his son home from the army,
working with him. That is hearsay but sounds good to me. I will get in
touch with any connection I can question.

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