"Gill Passman" gillspamattaylorpassmanspam.co.uk wrote in message
.. .
All I can say is I am glad the only snakes we get here are grass snakes -
and I freaked when the cat came and dropped half a grass snake on one of
son's beds a few years ago....
Well, there werr water snakes, a few feet long, maybe 1-2 inches across at
the biggest.
Funny thing is, the wife was giving me the "big strong man" ribbing, and
then she turned over a rock, and found a black widow spider today.. and
screamed like a little girl! LOL!!
Payback time!
You all have my admiration for tackling them.....I just think I'd stop
Nah.. if you do, they win!
Oh, and the pond is refilled (I shored up one side some we had torn out a
little getting the snakes), and using plastic wal-mart bags of topsoil
worked out VERY well, and made fixing that side VERY easy. The pond is
actually about 3 inches higher now, we can see the fish surfacing a LOT more
now, and until the algae takes over the new water, at least we can see in it
(The water cress is growing, but very slowly it seems.) we also picked up
another lily today with 4 pads growing on it already. One of my oxygenators
looks like it died off (or was eaten by the fish?) so it's remains are going
back to Lowe's...
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