YAY! I found the best snake catching system out there.. my wife! We were out
today, looking at the devistation of the most;ly drained pond (and enjoying
seeing our fish for the first time this year, because of greenwater), and I
noticed slight movement under the liner edge, where I saw the damned things
the other day, and couldn't catch them.
Between the 2 of us, I pulled the liner back, held it, and the wife manage
to get the snakes to wriggle up into my pond net, and she plopped them into
a large plastic trashcan!
It took only 5 minutes to snag both this way!
We tried to call the local pest control departments, but they just to
release them into on of the large lakes around here.
So we released them about 8 miles away, and they and we are both now happy!
Time to put the pond back together now....
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