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  #15   Report Post  
Old 14-05-2005, 07:39 PM
Posts: n/a

Starlord wrote:
If they feed the Iris something that's high in "N" that could weaken the
stalk too. I live in the High Mojave Desert and have close to 300 iris and
we had more than our share of rain this year, to the point of them standing
in water for some days and only a few stalks where snaped over in the 45 to
60mph winds we had on some days while the iris where blooming.

"paghat" wrote in message
In article , PatK

The slug guess is often the problem when irises fall entirely to the
ground. Even quite small slugs can damage stems. It should be easy to
tell, at the point where the stalk bends & topples there'll be some
chew-marks revealing where the outer wall of the stalk was weakened.
Sluggo is a non-toxic slug control that so far as the plants are concerned
is fertilizer, but it makes slugs & snails slime themselves to death.

I'm thinking it's more the size of the blooms than anything. They are
really big and the stems are at least 3 feet long and a bit thin. They
stand up find until the actual flower comes out and then they fall over.
I'll try staking them. This is pretty much the first year they've
bloomed with more than one or two flowers and I've had them for about
five years. Oh and, there's no sign of any kind of rot or slugs or
anything that I can see.
