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Old 10-05-2005, 05:42 PM
Spud Demon
Posts: n/a

"Frank Logullo" writes in article dated Fri, 06 May 2005 18:23:19 GMT:
I'm trying that. Not sure if much help yet. Carb cleaner in fuel line or
directly in throat sounds good but goes back to cycling when it burns off.

To me that indicates that there is some kind of clog upstream of the fuel
line. Or bad fuel.

Also wondering about 2 cycle oil I'm using (Pennsoil). Almost through a
gallon I got. A hell of a lot cheaper than Lawnboys but I will go back to
Lawnboys. Going to nurse mowers as far as I can and when they die, give to
Goodwill and buy a Honda. Don't mind paying repairs but had to make 3
roundtrips to shop last year with Lawnboys and it was a pain. Guess old
Briggs and Stratton el cheapo that lasted 25 years without going in shop
spoiled me.

I don't see the point of putting a 2-stroke on a mower. For the same HP it
saves a little weight compared to a 4-stroke, but the thing's on wheels
anyway. And the exhaust stinks, which is why 2-stroke cars and motorcycles
aren't street legal in the US.

-- spud_demon -at-
The above may not (yet) represent the opinions of my employer.