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Old 10-05-2005, 08:44 AM
Greg Cooper
Posts: n/a

When we first put the pond in - before we planted the yard with trees we
were visted by both a King Fisher and a Heron.
The Heron never got any fish as we spotted him and chased him off and I
think he probably felt it was not worth the effort. Right when we
first stocked our new pond with 5 two inch gold fish the very next
morninng we awoke to see the Kingfisher dining on his second. The
strange thing is the Kingfisher did not come back for more.
Reel McKoi wrote:
## Before netting our ponds we were at the point of losing several fish a
week. We also use those fine black bird nets. We haven't lost one fish to
predators since and it's been a few years now. The final straw was when a
gorgeous translucent yellow butterfly koi with excessive finnage was
taken.... probably by a heron. We had terrible heron problems before the
netting. But then we're only maybe 1/2 mile from a huge lake (as the crow