Temptation for the Scottishurglers
In message , Janet Baraclough
Treat for those of you within reach of north Ayrshire. I've just
discovered East Lugtonridge Garden, a private plant nursery selling
"herbaceous, rare ,unusual and old-favourites", all propagated by the
owner. Well worth a trip (and her husband has a little "reclamation"
yard in an old barn, selling old troughs, seats he's made from old stone
etc). It's signposted down a farm track, 3/4 of a mile south of
Burnhouse, on the A736 Barrhead-Irvine road.
I have a trip to see a friend in Arran coming up in the next few weeks.
Might have to take my cheque book and do a detour :-))
Sue Begg
Remove my clothes to reply
Do not mess in the affairs of dragons - for
you are crunchy and taste good with ketchup!