"Dsybok" wrote in message
I have kept koi of various sizes over the past two years, in mainly small
ponds. Upgraded to about an 800 gallon pond last summer. I have kept the
same 5 koi and one comet since then until today. One is missing.
It was a good sized fish, my largest at 12, maybe 16 inches. Fat. Too big
for the average house cat or animal to carry off. Its just gone without a
trace. No body anywhere in the pond vicinity. Have any other Long Beach
ponders had problems with large birds, herons etc carrying off their fish?
Should I net this pond?
## Netting is the ONLY way to keep the predators out and your fish safe in
my opinion. Besides large birds, there are also large snakes and turtles
that will enter a pond and do away with your fish.
I keep a plastic owl for other reasons, but if it was a Heron who swiped
fish. I have had only one other unexplained dissappearance in 4 years.
## You're lucky. We were losing several fish a month, then a week,... then
we bought the nets after trying the strings etc. The fake owls and snakes I
had didn't scare anything away for long. :-( Some people claim the
water-sprayer works for them. But if the hose pops or something goes wrong
and you're not at home - you can end up with a huge water bill.
Response, except by idiot bible pounding troll pond scum appreciated.
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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