"Peter" wrote in message
I, like everyone else in rec.ponds, have been greatly annoyed by this
inconsiderate and intrusive crossposting that has been going on.
May I suggest that we consider turning the cannon around, to the
direction from whence it is coming? (In the military it's called
counterforce ops.)
## That probably would not work. HE would report everyone to their ISPs,
telling them to "just pull his/her service." You would hurt yourself in the
end. It also wouldn't be fair to those who despise these trolls as much as
we do.
May I suggest that we look up all of the NGs to which this twit
Jabriol, and all of his immature friends normally post; and then all
of us, (each of us), in rec.ponds, cross-post attacks back to all of
their home favorite NGs, and so totally swamp them to the point that
they themselves cannot begin to keep up with their silly posting
retorts; and then their own NGs will become completely useless to they
themselves. Maybe only then will they become introspective enough, if
only from their own NG peer pressures, to cease and desist, and return
to their own playpens and stay the Hell out of ours.
## It may also make some of them worse. You can usually tell by the
Subject if it's a pond related group or not. Ignore those that are
obviously Jabber threads. He would LOVE it if he could start a cross-NG
flame war! He'd be thrilled out of his mind. Those on AFN are ignoring
him for the most part. We can as well. :-)
I'll do my part in the attack, if sufficient others are willing also.
Enough is enough,
## Why do what he's hoping for??? We already have one person here
encouraging him....
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
"To persevere in one's duty and
be silent, is the best answer to calumny."
~~~ }((((o ~~~ }{{{{o ~~~ }(((((o