"hugh" ] wrote in message
In message , Mike
I suggest you read a few more of them then.
Like I said earlier, not worth the effort.
How do you know that the contents are 'not worth the effort'?
That implies to me that you HAVE read them ;-))
and you are now a lot wiser from my postings and their content, but don't
wish to admit it :-))
Go on, kill file me like the 'owners' have SAID they were going to ;-)) but
don't want to miss a word ;-))
H.M.S.Collingwood Ass. Llandudno 20 - 23 May Trip to Portmeirion
National Service (RAF) Ass. Cosford 24 - 27 June Spitfire Fly Past
H.M.S.Impregnable Ass. Sussex 1 - 4 July Visit to Int. Fest of the Sea
RAF Regiment Assoc. Scarborough 2 - 5 Sept. Visit to Eden Camp