Raised beds
I've been looking at the possibility of setting up raised beds.
I had an area big enough for three, possibly four, beds about 35 feet
long by 4 feet wide.
I'd decided to make them 6 inches high using gravel boards from Wickes,
I calculated how many boards I'd need, and how I would fix them together.
Whilst still considering this project and before going to Wickes to lay
out an enormous sum of money, it occurred to me there might be a problem
with the annual bonfire.
How could I move the timber around the raised beds to allow me to burn
the huge pile of trimmings from the numerous trees I have in the garden.
After a great deal of deliberation, I came to the conclusion that it
would not be a simple task.
So all my work has been on vain, and I've decide not to bother with the
raised beds at all, a pity.
reply to alan(dot)holmes27(at)virgin(dot)net