You can get stud removers - you drill a hole in the sheared end of
stud/sheared bolt and then screwed in the remover using a tap wrench,
it had left hand thread and when it bit hard it would allow you to
exert an anticlockwise pressure and unscrew the stud. Radiospares do
them at
Charlie Markwick
On Sun, 1 May 2005 12:42:59 +0100, "Victor West"
Nice day to cut the grass I thought. All going well until CRASH!!!!
I'd hit the rotary washing line ground spike with the mower and the blade
came off with a crunch. After inspecting the damage, it appears that the
main bolt to hold the blade on has sheared off leaving part of it still
screwed in.
Is this a repairable job or does it mean a new mower.