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Old 23-04-2005, 05:38 AM
Reel McKoi
Posts: n/a
Default Zillions of koi fry

About 10 days ago I put a huge bunch of parrots feather in my larger pond.
Within a day or so the koi went into a 48 hour breeding frenzy. I removed
the PF and spread it out between a kiddy pool and 3 planted barrels. I
looked carefully at sundown and saw quadrillions of koi fry swimming all
over the place. Eeeeek! I poured some green water in the barrels and pool.
I'm clueless as to what to feed them that would be tiny enough. I crumbled
flakes into a powder. I hope a few survive. I know a few will in the pond
itself. I never had so many to hatch out like this. I'm sure there wont be
enough natural food for them all so they'll need supplemental feedings.
McKoi.... the frugal ponder...
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