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Old 21-04-2005, 10:02 PM
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

I had the same problem with Rheum palmatum many years ago. A friend finally
smuggled some seeds from England. This was before 9/11. Now, if her ploy
were discovered, I'm sure she'd be arrested, tortured and beaten by ze
security agents. One out of five seeds grew. The plant prospered until my
neighbor's late dog dug it up.

Just a thought: Maybe there's a reason you can't find the Bomarea seeds. Is
it possible the it's been placed on an invasive plant list?

"chaz" wrote in message
well, i cant find it!

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
There must be SOMETHING in the other 1190 search results. :-)

"chaz" wrote in message
Unfortunately I am in the US, not the UK


"Doug Kanter" wrote in message

"chaz" wrote in message

"Doug Kanter" wrote in message
How did you conduct your search?

"chaz" wrote in message
I am seeking Bomarea seeds or plants, preferably the "fiesta" or
"red" varieties. I cannot find a single source.


I have googled, yahoo'd and msn'd and cannot find a single source.

Searched for "bomarea seeds $" (without the quotes) at google, and
clicked "I Feel Lucky". Came up with this: 11

Using the regular search button turned up 1190 results. I included the
dollar sign so maybe it would turn up more sites actually selling the
seeds, rather than only describing the plant.