Thread: Lawn Drainage
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Old 19-04-2005, 02:25 AM
Salty Thumb
Posts: n/a

"Curtis" wrote in

Hi Dave,

Thanks. I think I have decided that I am going to go ahead and use
corrugated HDPE pipe however I am going to ensure that it is at least
12" underground. Now, the question, if I use this pipe with filter
sock, do I still need to bury it in gravel as well? Would I be better
served useing HDPE with no perforations for my longer runs? Like I
said, I have a retention pond at the rear corner of my lot and my lot
slopes 14' diagonally towards this corner so flow should not be a
problem. I intend to run it to there or would it be better to just
terminate each run under ground with perforated pipe and a french


If you read the sales literature for the drain sock, I believe it says it
eliminates the need for a gravel/sand bed etc.