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Old 18-04-2005, 09:15 PM
Posts: n/a
Default is a good one, so is Newts if you do not mind a bit of
progfanity and some of the other forum areas, is also good,
but its sort of clickish.........and only products sold by that
company is considered suitable to post about. Roarks is still another
straight to the point and no bull forum on koi and ponds, and then
their is, which is also a good forum with pics as well, but
its not very heavily used as much as it used to be, but still good.

On Mon, 18 Apr 2005 09:10:56 GMT, "Just Me \"Koi\""

===BV, and other regulars,
===As I read this newsgroup once in a while, I see a lot of junk, and stuff
===totally out of control and I get so turned off. Especially by some guy with
===a million post in the group on topics none of which relates to ponding.
===This lead me to wonder if there is a moderated forum we can all shift to
===where some of these junks can be filtered out, and where we can also post
===Some of the forums I've seen out there are not populated, minimal
===discussions. That does not make for a lively dialogue either.
===So any ideas out there?

Put some color in your naked!