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Old 17-04-2005, 02:47 PM
Posts: n/a

I kept a Knockout rose in a container for 2 winters before planting
it. Black spot is such an issue here that I containerize my roses for
a year on the back porch and watch them before planting in the garden.
3 have been moved to the graden, 2 are being analyzed, countless
others have been trashed.

Roses need a minimum of 6 hours of sunlight a day, and do not like to
be crowded. Otherwise, your plans sound fine.

On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 12:02:22 GMT, "Matt"

This later this summer I will be preparing some new planting beds that will
be ready for planting in the fall. In the mean time, I was given a Knockout
rose as a gift, but I don't have anywhere to plant it yet. I only have a
few spots that are full sun right now, and they are full. Can I plant this
rose into a container, grow it on my deck this summer, then trasplant it
this fall into the newly prepared bed?

Any tips for growing Knockouts in a container? Is an 18"x18"x18" container
large enough? What type of soil should I use?

If I use a product like MiracleGro with Moisture Control potting mix, do I
HAVE to use liquid ferts? Or can I still add in organic granular
fertilizers like Epsoma Rose-Tone?
any tips would be appreciated,