Shall I use Roundup - weed killer now or later?
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17-04-2005, 03:00 AM
Posts: n/a
On Sat, 16 Apr 2005 20:53:25 GMT, Phisherman wrote:
On 16 Apr 2005 09:43:48 -0700,
Greetings! What is the best time to use Roundup - now [in middle of
April 2005] before the weeds grow or after the weeds have grown? I live
in Mississippi. With thanks.
When plants are actively growing during a sunny day with no rain in
the forecast. I use it where it is difficult to hoe, hand pull or use
a weed eater. Recently I had to apply Roundup several times (2 weeks
apart) to an established poison ivy vine before it bit the dust.
I use it to increase the frequency of disease, then I can buy a
fungicide to further poison my yard.
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