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Old 16-04-2005, 07:15 PM
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wrote in message
Greetings! What is the best time to use Roundup - now [in middle of
April 2005] before the weeds grow or after the weeds have grown? I live
in Mississippi. With thanks.

When the temperatures are consistantly 72o which makes the plants more
inclined to absorb the glyphosphates. To make it "stick" better, if you
don't have the "rain proof" RoundUp, add a tablespoon of liquid dish
detergent (what you use on your sink dishes, not the machine stuff) to the
batch you're making up (six ounces to one gallon, no more or much less as
it's a measured amount that actually works, since the rule of thumb would be
thought to be :"hmmm if six ounces is good, then twelve would be better..."
it's the precise amounts that work chemically. No flames please. It's what
they taught me in Master Gardening class...I'm NOT a chemist.

On the other hand, you're in Mississippi, it's already into the season
there, you should have used pre-emergents early in your season which I would
hazard to guess would have been in late February.......(not knowing your
growing zone) Preen, and pre-emerging weed killers work when the plants and
seeds are germinating early at the end of winter's rest. The RoundUp works
when the plants dormancy is over and growth is active, which is why I said
it works better when it's consistantly 72o F outside.
Hope this helps! (there is a newer batch of RoundUp out that says it works
overnight...........not sure, but worth a try, but read the mixing
instructions first.

madgardener in zone 7, Sunset zone 36, Eastern Tennessee