Ah well it makes a change from typing all day, which is what my IT
management role has now become, email after email.........
Working from home has its benefits though as I can potter in the Garden
at lunch times.
5 tons is not that much and I do have a Camon C8 Rotavator to dig it in
If only it would stop raining! long enough to allow the ground to dry
sufficiently to finish the job but then this would not be rural England
without a wee bit of rain
I bought 200 lilies in tens of named varieties from Tompson and Morgan
all are now potted and under glass for now but they will look good in
the long border that I am preparing or I will be a tad unhappy.
Cindy wrote:
Sharp sand has sharp edges providing good drainage I have just dug five
tons into a bed I am preparing for some Lilies.
FIVE TONS! Well if you didn't have a strong back before, it is now, huh?