"Dennis" wrote in message
Ron B You're digging it round, when it aughta Be
On 3/31/05 10:42 PM, in article ,
wrote:3/31/05 10:42 PM
Hi, I'm not sure I understand. Are you saying that the Cub and Deere
sold at Home Depot are the bottom feeders?
the Deere that are sold at Home depot are Imported tractors made by
IIRC MTD... if you want a DEERE tractor got to an Equipment dealer,
and get a real deere tractor. probably more expensive... then compare
that to a blue one like the boomer series from New Holland. the real
question is, how big of a yard do you have? and what do you want to do
with the tractor?
Nope - don't think the Deere's at Home Depot are made by MTD.
I like blue also - but our New Holland bought from an "equipment dealer" was
imported from Italy and since we used to own a Fiat I am not to thrilled
about that.