"Cindy" wrote in message
Play sand is also too fine.
I get sand at Home Depot. I like really coarse stuff, and lately I've
finding it near the pool supplies. They sell it for sand filters. More
expensive, but I don't need THAT much.
I usually get mine at Home Depot in bags by the mortar and cement. One year,
tho, just grabbed a bag from outside in front of the store without reading
the label. Was not washed, was salty, and killed a couple of plants :/
A few years ago a friend built a porch in his back yard and had a yard of
sand left over on his driveway. I wheel-barrowed it away (for free) and
sifted it at my house...free was good and was enough for a few year's worth
of bonsai re-pottings. Although for bonsai soil, I sift out the fines AND
the large pieces. Amazing how heavy a 'recycle bin' is when it is full of
pure sand fines!