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Old 04-04-2005, 02:38 PM
Barry Andrews
Posts: n/a

When you guys say better, what exactly do you mean? Better germination,
looks better, what?



KCnRichmond wrote:
Lesco Transition is better yet........

"Phisherman" wrote in message

On Sun, 03 Apr 2005 22:48:07 GMT, Barry Andrews


Does anyone know how long it takes for K31 Tall Fescue to germinate
when overseeding? I have read that it takes 14-21 days. I aerated and
heavily overseeded a week ago. (200 lbs. on 1/2 acre) I have watered
every day in the evening at least 30 minutes except on days that it
rained. The temperature has been between 60-70 degrees every day.
I am just afraid that by the time the seed comes up, the weeds will
overtake everything. They are very quickly spreading.

many thanks,


You should see sprouts in about 10 days. Weeds are most active in the
spring. In time the overseeding should overtake (most) broadleaf
weeds. Rebel Supreme is much better than K31.