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Old 30-03-2005, 10:23 PM
Phil L
Posts: n/a

Popeye wrote:
:: Phil L wrote:
::: McCready wrote:
::::: I just pity all those people that bought trays upon trays of
::::: bedding plants at the weekend.
::::: B&Q were over-run with the acknowledgeable.
::: I don't blame B&Q, this way they get to sell at least double the
::: beding plants they normally would, due to peoples stupidity.
:: You can't be an expert in every area of life, so you rely on the
:: "experts" to be expert for you.

You don't need to be an expert to know that some plants are not tollerant of
This new society of wanting 'experts' doing all the thinking for them
deserve to get ripped off, they want the nanny state to be responsible for
everything and expect other large organisations to be the same.

:: It's just a cynical method of raising more profit.

It's just a cynical way of raising more profit from those who don't have the
sense to know better...'a fool and their money are soon parted'