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Old 26-03-2005, 04:20 PM
Tim Tyler
Posts: n/a

Pam Moore wrote or quoted:

I have some camellias in pots, and a blueberry, also potted, plus a
few other things which are in ericaceous compost. [...]

Is there any other ericaceous feed more suitable for such plants?
My camellias are flowering well and I the blueberry is budding up
nicely, but I feel they need a reat! All they get is an occasional
dose of tea!

I was suprised to learn that the tea plant and the blueberry plant
were rather close relatives.

If my grandmother's theory about eating what you are made of has
anything to it, tea might not be at all bad ;-)

IIRC, the relationship is close enough to make me interested in
investigating chewing on blueberry leaves. Alas, my research in the area
so far has not come up with much - I may have to adopt a "suck it and see"
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