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Old 26-03-2005, 12:14 AM
Pam Moore
Posts: n/a

On Fri, 25 Mar 2005 20:55:18 +0000, Chris Hogg wrote:

IIRC Miracid claimed it made alkaline soil acid, which of course it
didn't. But it did contain chelated iron and manganese compounds which
allowed ericaceous plants to grow on alkaline soils without becoming
chlorotic, and presumably it still does. I imagine someone pointed out
to them the error of their claims for Miracid, and they had to change
the name. It's not necessary for ericaceous plants already growing in
an acid compost, but will do no harm.

Thanks Chris, Paul and Kay for advice.
Chris, that thinking sounds logical!
I cannot get fresh seaweed or pine needles so I bought some seaweed
liquid with sequestered iron today and will use that and the Miracid I
already have. Strangely, there was no Miracid under any name on the
shelf at Wyevale, only a liquid with one name or the other. (forget
Thanks again

Pam in Bristol