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Old 24-03-2005, 08:31 PM
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"June Hughes" wrote in message
In message , Mary
Fisher writes

"w.g.s.hamm" wrote in message
I love lily of the valley. Several times ove the alst few years, I have
bought bulbs and planted them in vaious positions in the garden.

were it is shaded. They never grow even when other stuff aound them
Also lavender, which I adore.Grows for a year or two, then gives up the

I can't grow lily of the valley, cotsfoot or daisies. They grow in

in neighbouring gardens.

Don't have any grass either - but that's because it's eaten ...

Hi Mary. Long time no see. Lily of the valley likes shade and good,
damp soil. Once it gets going, it spreads rapidly. (You possibly know
that already, so apols if you do).
June Hughes

I knew that and that's what I offer them, still the buggers won't grow. I
recon they are creeping under the fence into the neighbours gaden or summat.