In article , Janet Tweedy
Alan how did you renovate the staging?
This particular greenhouse is 'Dutch' type, i.e. sloping sides and has
no staging, but we have self built staging along two sides of an upright
sided 30ft. x 30ft. greenhouse and along one side our 15ft. x 30ft.
polytunnel. I construct a frame using reclaimed timber and angle iron,
then top it with panels of whatever suitable material is available. The
height is usually about table height and the depth about 2'6".
Up to that point the job has cost almost nothing, but then we put on a
fairly strong black polythene sheet and cover that with capillary
matting. We prefer to use new material for that. With that system of
watering, the staging needs to be accurately level, or the watering will
be uneven. We usually replace the capillary after 3 or 4 years.
The renovated greenhouse is also 15ft. x 30ft. originally built we guess
about forty years ago. It was of standard sized 5ft. x 30in. greenhouse
glass panels, but all the glass had long gone and the skeleton stood
derelict for the last ten years. The main framework was badly
deteriorated, but it was held with strong metal brackets, so I was able
to restructure it, using mainly 2x2 timber. The panels had distorted
with time, so we replaced the glass with a UVI/EVA polythene sheet, at a
quarter of the cost of glass. We were lucky enough to find a still day
in March on which to get the 20ft. x 30ft. sheet over the main frame.
I took out the whole weed infested floor to a depth of 30ins., made a
compost heap of that, then replaced the floor with new own made organic
compost. The work began at Easter last year, I handed it over to Joan on
Mothering Sunday and only yesterday she planted our first crop in it -
seedlings of oriental salad leaves. The total cost of the renovation was
about £200 in all, but what would be the price of a new one of that size
including compost? We are very chuffed with it!
Alan & Joan Gould - North Lincs.