On Wed, 16 Mar 2005 18:53:00 -0000, David wrote:
The guy at Scotts told me to apply vinegar, I have tried this and I can not
see really any difference.
How long would it take for the stains to go on their own. - It is terrible
looking at the minute.
I was wondering about power hosing ?
Might work, but have a look he
and he
http://www.pavingexpert.com/stains.htm (about halfway down).
and he
http://members.tripod.com/~Barefoot_Lass/index-2.html (about halfway down
again, this one mentions rhubarb, although I would use the leaves rather
than the stalks, which (I believe) don't contain any oxalic acid. It's
Ian Cox
icq 116510696
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