wow... been away from here for a loooooooonnnnngggg time. Used to keep a
planted discus tank
but then aquuired large reef tank and wow what a friggin headache!!! and
Money pit. Beautiful no doubt but!! $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$.
Anyhow, marital issues and separation hence time to bring the old plant tank
back to where it was. get back to my roots so to speak
Couple of
#1 does dave gomberg still do bussiness? Looking for MgNO3. for pmdd....
is that phrase still used?
#2 I have two dbl bright NO fluorescent strips. needs bulbs. Where are
people getting their bulbs these days. Some time ago I used to be able to
get GE chroma 50's but can't seem to find them anymore... they were less $$
than the LFS bulbs. Any ideas. Maybe a new source I don't know about?
Have a good one.