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Old 16-03-2005, 08:06 PM
Posts: n/a

Such a nice polite answer. Don't you think it would have been better posted
back to this newsgroup?

A net nanny slip;-) ooopppss

H.M.S.Collingwood Ass. Llandudno 20 - 23 May Trip to Portmeirion
National Service (RAF) Ass. Cosford 24 - 27 June Spitfire Fly Past
H.M.S.Impregnable Ass. Sussex 1 - 4 July Visit to Int. Fest of the Sea
RAF Regiment Assoc. Scarborough 2 - 5 Sept. Visit to Eden Camp
"Sacha" wrote in message
On 16/3/05 16:00, in article ,
"Logan" wrote:

Would anyone have any objections if I dropped an "advert" for mole,
squirrel and feral cat eradication once in a while? About twice a

All the ad would consist of would be my name and telephone number and
a short description of cost. I'd make sure the subject line said
summat like Garden pest control so as the message can be skipped if

Suggestions would be appreciated.

How very nice of you to ask - many people can't be bothered.
Here's the relevant info from the charter:
Advertising is not welcome, with the following exceptions:

Suppliers of UK-relevant gardening equipment, services or plant material

post a pointer to their website or invitation to request a catalogue. This
may not exceed four lines. This may be posted no more often than once

three months. The subject line should begin "AD" or "ADVERT".
Participants in discussions may include references to their garden-related
business in their .sig (max. four lines). "
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)