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Old 15-03-2005, 04:45 AM
Miss Perspicacia Tick
Posts: n/a

Colin Spooner wrote:
I love Euphorbia's, and have quite a few doing well in my garden.
I have Wulfennii,Dixter,and other common ones.
I am stuck on how to cut them back,as some are getting a bit leggy. A
gardening book I have, suggests 'cutting old stems back to 2 inches
in July' -- is this good advice??
Also can Euphorbias be propagated successfully from cuttings?
Finally -- sorry to be a pain,but I know someone in the 'gadening
universe' has the answer!! where can I buy E 'Black Pearl' and E
'Silver swan' I live in Uxbridge Middlesex.
Many Thanks Colin


Just a gentle, friendly, FYI. You're just 15 miles from where I'm sitting
yet, for some inexplicable reason, your time zone is telling me you're in
the middle of the Pacific! Could you do me a favour and change your time
zone via the Windows clock right click menu? Just so you know, and I'm sure
you didn't do it deliberately, having a your clock and/or calendar
incorrectly set so that your message appears forward in time is known as
'post-dating' and is frowned upon because it's like jumping the queue which,
I'm sure you'll agree isn't very polite. Also, it has a tendency to confuse
Usenet servers.


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