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Old 10-03-2005, 01:41 AM
David Smith
Posts: n/a

Bob, my lawn grass is Bermuda, MSDA (post emergent herbicide) will kill your
St Augustine, there is a product that you can spray designed for your grass
(read the labels) it may be a little late for spring but a pre-emergent will
form a barrier that keeps seeds from sprouting, the trick to them is they
need to be watered in, if it doesn't rain in 24 hrs or so irrigate, it
dissolves the chemical and they really work, I haven't had as much luck in
the past with "weed and feed" products, new things are out maybe they work
better but you have to water them in.

Hope this helps.

"Bob" wrote in message
If there's one you can recommend, I'll try it. I didn't have luck with
the weed 'n feed approach, but then again I only tried it for one year.


"David Smith" wrote in message

"Cindy" wrote in message

"Bob" wrote in message
Cool, so it sounds like I'm on the right track. I should be able to
rig my own with a washcloth and a 3ft wooden rod. I'll see how it that


The spray bottle works great, that's what I use.

Why not just get the herbicide designed for the grass you want to
survive, I have Bermuda lawn and a similar problem to yours, more weeds
than lawn grass. I put out a pre-emergent and sprayed with a post
emergent one year and the deals down, great lawn. For what it's worth
