In article , Tumbleweed
"Kay" wrote
I'm not sure the newts are good news for frogs. Newts feed on tadpoles.
It all balances out.
Depends on other things, though, doesn't it?
Fortunately, the weedy ponds favoured by newts for breeding also have
lots of cover for the frog tadpoles. But if a couple of newts took up
residence in a sparsely weeded pond, the could wreak havoc among the
tadpoles. But then that's why frogs breed as they do - lots of spares.
We have many newts and many frogs. We also get regular
visits from the Heron.
Likewise. But now the newt population is topping 50, I think we are
beginning to see the effect on the number of young frogs that we get.
Certainly the front pond, with only one newt, had a lot more frog
tadpoles later in the season than did the back pond which is the one the
newts favour.
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