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Old 07-03-2005, 04:11 PM
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Default ingenious idea, or terribly stupid idea?

OK, I'm a noobie homeowner and have been wrestling with crabgrass in my
backyard for 3 years now. About 75% of my backyard has healthy St.
Augustine, while the rest is a patchwork of stubborn Bermuda grass
overshadowed by very healthy bushels of crabgrass. The first couple years,
I devoted time uprooting the crabgrass, which seemed to be a waste of time
because it just grew back, and it also created divots in my soil, which made
mowing a pain in the neck. For one year, I tried Scott's fertilizer (weed
n' feed) to eradicate the crabgrass and promote St. Augustine growth, but it
appeared to breath life into the Bermuda more than anything else.

This year, I plan to resort to a new method - "The Touch of Death". Here's
the idea: a bucket o' Roundup diluted to recommended strength, rubber glove,
hand towel. I rub the blades of crabgrass with dampened towel, taking care
not to touch the surrounding Bermuda. Roundup does its job in a day or two
and possibly kills or at least weakens surrounding Bermuda as a side effect.
St. Augustine moves in with little to no competition.

But will the "touch of death" work? I'd like to hear what the green thumbs
have to say. Thanks.
