Thread: Dung!
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Old 27-02-2005, 05:07 PM
Phil L
Posts: n/a

Franz Heymann wrote:
:: "Phil L" wrote in message
:: news ::
::: No but lawn cuttings and cardboard aren't going to make anything
::: worthwhile are they? - or are they?
:: The stuff that comes out of the far end of a horse is in effect
:: just lawn cuttings minus the bits the horse kept behind for making
:: more horse.
:: So, if horse dung is good stuff, grass cuttings must surely be as
:: good or better.

I agree but my 'heap' has all but disappeared into the surrounding soil
having not had anything since last September.
Last year I did use a lot of composted lawn cuttings in the baskets and
planters and everything bounced up, I just wanted something 'ready to use'
so to speak....last Spring/Summer the heap had never had anything taken from
it for years previously and I used almost all of it, this year there is very
little to utilise.
