Thread: Vermin Cats
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Old 23-02-2005, 08:10 PM
Posts: n/a

On 2005-02-16 15:45:59 +0000, "Mike" said:

The owners and regular readers of this newsgroup should by now know my
dislike for the above vermin and will be very interested to know that a Cat
and Dog Repeller we have just put into use, seems to be working very well.

I just got a dog and don't, obviously, want to deter her. Actually, I
think I might train her to go and do her business in next door's garden
to make up for all the times I've put my hand in cat poo during
gardening sessions because of her bloody horrible tail-less murdering
cat. When I removed my sweet pea canes late last summer I found no less
than 10 dead birds including a young robin I'd been encouraging to eat
from my hand. That made me so angry I bought a cat repellent called
'Cat Watch'. It's recommended by the RSPB who use it extensively in
areas where they have ground nesting birds and a ferral cat problem. I
was sceptical at first, but it is brilliant. AND, you can't hear it at
all. It's set at a level that humans can't hear. A ight comes on when
it detects movement (and it's very efficient) so you know it's working.
Anyway, a couple of days after I put it in the garden I was
bird-watching from the bathroom window (my 'loo with a view') when the
hated animal jumped over the wall and took a few steps into my garden
(past the useless lion dung I had put there). Then you could almost see
its hair standing on end and it turned around and beat a pretty hasty
retreat, much to my enjoyment. It has since not come anywhere near my
garden and sits on the neighbours fence instead.

Why is it, by the way, that if my dog fouls someone's garden they will
get very angry with me but I'm supposed to find it acceptable that
someone else's cat or cats can crap all over my garden, kill 'my'
toads, frogs, birds, fieldmice - and those adorable little things with
the long snouts whose name escapes me for a second - and leave the
remains for me to find and I'm supposed to find that acceptable? No-one
should be allowed more than one cat. AND, they should be licensed. And
they say foxes are vermin! I say if the huntsmen have got nothing to
do, let them hunt cats! But if that were the case, of course, hunting
with dogs would have been banned a long time ago...

Sorry not to have introduced myself but actually I've been posting on
and off on this group for a long time. I'm amused to see the same
nannying going on...
