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Old 23-02-2005, 12:40 PM
Janet Tweedy
Posts: n/a

In article , Tim Tyler writes

If demand is not large, it is no suprise that there are
few manufacturers catering to the demand for double-glazed

But you can't demand what's not available!
It would mean burning less heating appliances to keep the greenhouse
even frost free.
If they double glaze conservatories as a matter of course why not even
offer double glazing on greenhouses?

Whilst on the subject what is the difference between ordinary and
horticultural grade glass? Some greenhouses have shatter proof glass
which is useful but what is H grade stuff? Does it have flaws in it so
can't be used for domestic buildings?

(who is looking at the Alitex web site but affording probably one from

p.s. What benefits does a low brick wall instead of glass have, around
the base of the greenhouse? Won't that make the inside a bit gloomy and
damp? Is it better? Do I want it?
Janet Tweedy
Dalmatian Telegraph