"Snakes" on PBS
Kudzu wrote:
Anybody watching this?
I thought is was way to repetetive, disjointed and dumbed-down.
I noticed while watching the program tonight that when they
played the sound of a rattler, my cats responded and ran out
of the room.
The sound of a rattlesnake can FREEZE a human even if they have
never heard it before. As a child, I was rockhopping down a
talus slope in AZ and heard a very menacing sound coming from
under the rock I had just landed on.
I knew about them, but had never heard or seen one, but the
sound was enough to freeze me in my tracks. My dad located the
snake and fished it out for use to look at, then released it.
The next wild rattler I had a close encounter with was curled
up on my sleeping bag, enjoying the warmth! My dad flipped that
one into the bushes with a shovel, and I slept in the car the
rest of the trip.
To doubt everything or to believe everything
are two equally convenient solutions; both
dispense with the necessity of reflection.
- Jules Henri Poincaré