Thank you for that information. I knew that tetras liked it slightly acidic,
but I was afraid my water was to low. I had recently added fish for the
first time in a long time and they were severely stressed. Everything else
that I could test was right on the money so I was worried about the ph.
Finally I checked the nitrate level in the tank and it was way high. like
40ppm. This had be really confused because I change water regularly.
Finally, I checked that wate at my tap. It was also at 40ppm. I have since
installed a r/o system so now everything is in good shape.
wrote in message
Is there a reason you believe you need to adjust your pH? Many
aquarists in North America would kill for your water-it is ideal for
Discus, Tetras, Apistos, and many other South American fish.
Of course if you are raising Tanganyikan cichlids, you may want some
more alkaline, harder water. In that case, CaCO3 would be the better
bet, because it raises both KH and GH simultaneously. Raising KH is
what raises pH.