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Old 03-02-2005, 04:32 AM
Posts: n/a

It's good to see you back Reka,
Sounds like you had a hectic but wonderful time.
You most certainly fulfilled your orchid satiation!*g*
No doubt, you will love the speed of DSL & we can respond
faster on the news groups.
Start saving those Euros for a g/h.
Cheers Wendy

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Reka wrote:

I am back after a long weekend of work at our first orchid show (Jan
21-23) and all of ten days with no Internet access! But the wait was
worth it - I now have DSL. YIPPEE!!!! They said the change would be
seamless, and they were right. The edges of both services (I
previously had ISDN) were so far apart that there was no danger of a
seam getting in there anywhere. ;-)

Our orchid show went well. It was very simple by American standards.
We had seven vendors:
Kopf Orchids, Germany -
Orchidee Rare, Italy -
Orchideria di Morosolo, Italy -
Eisenheimer Orchideen, Germany
Gartenbau Florida, Italy -
Ryanne Orchidees, France - (daughter of Wubben from Holland)
Pazuzu Extreme Flora, Germany

The exhibition area was supplied by the vendors, with wonderful
specimen plants and for this area rare plants like Renanthera and
Oerstedella("Orchids" here consist of Phals, yellow Oncs, some Dens
and sometimes include an odd Odont or two).

We had operating hours of 9 - 6 Friday to Sunday, with bar and kitchen
also operated by our members. There was a very well-appreciated
repotting and "diagnosis" service and the local bookshop gave us books
about orchids we could sell on commission. The entrance fee was 3
euros per person, 1.50 for kids 10-18, with the proceeds going toward
conservation of the rain forest in Costa Rica.

We had over 4000 visitors and the show was considered a success by
all, vendors, members and visitors. We are planning the next one for
2007. and we have lots of money for our conservation project! The place
so crowded on Sunday that I escaped behind a vendor's bench and
helped sell!
I worked at the entrance for a whole day, and it was wonderful to see
people go around the doors to the show hall and watch their
expressions. I saw lots of jaws dropping and smiles.

And what did I end up with? Much to my husband's dismay:
Lc. Daniris - in bloom - a lovely fragrance, two huge 7" flowers on a
huge plant - Euro 30
Slc. Miyuki Little King (Lc. Mini Purple x Sophronitis
brevipedunculata) - two shocking purple flowers on a small plant -
Gift from the vendor I helped on Sunday
Vanda Yellow Magic - huge yellow blooms with red spots and a green lip
on two spikes - Euro 30
Phal. tetraspis - Euro 15
Phal. stuartiana - in spike - Euro 15
Phal. gigantea - 3-4" leafspan; maybe it will bloom by the time I die!
;-) - Euro 26
Candy-stripe NOID Phal in bloom - Gift from the club for all my help
Den NOID in bloom - pink with white tips - Euro 20

What dismayed my husband even more was the fact that my 14yo son who
also helped out came home with 7 orchids - his first! And he only
bought ONE: the rest were presents from the vendors he helped
translate and sell for!!!
His list:
Coelogyne cristata in bloom
Coelogyne rhodeana (trinervis) - division
Bl. Dipozzi Con Brio (Brassovola nodosa x Laelia angereri) in bloom
Epi. porpax in bloom
Epi. difforme
Masdevallia Mary Staal in bloom
Oerstedella centradenia in bloom - Euro 7

Yikes! We need a greenhouse!

In any case, I am glad to be able to read abpo and rgo again, and will
be posting pics from today on at abpo.