"VX" wrote in message
I've got some sales literature that came in a Screwfix order about a
for making compost called the ComposTumbler that- supposedly- makes
compost in 14 days because it has the facility for turning rather
like a
cement mixer; you turn it every day and this allows the process to
speed up
somewhat. All was well until I called the freephone number and heard
prices- £299 and £399 for the medium and large ones respectively and
for the
small garden-porch model, £199.
It is a rip-off. There is not even the faintest possibility that any
home composter will produce compost in 14 days.
It is being sold at around 10 to 20 times a reasonable price.
If these reelly are that good I *might* be interested since whatever
it takes
to make compost normally is probably too much effort for me with my
limitations. But this does sound a little expensive! Anyone know
about these?